Monday, April 20, 2009

Hello world!

So, hey, everyone! My name's Annelie, and I figured it's time for me to get into blogging. I don't have the L$ to start a proper fashion blog, nor could I pull off the whole "What Not to Wear" thing as well as WTFug?, so I thought, why not just blog about whatever I want to? I tend not to fall into one group over another, so neither will this blog!

I'll start off by telling you about myself.
This is me. I'm no photography or photoshop whiz, but I like to take pictures anyway. I tend to overuse smiley faces and "lol", but I promise I'll try to cut down! I have a lot of opinions, and I don't shy away from voicing them. My sense of style is a little on the strange side, but very eclectic, so I'm sure you'll see something you like! I'm a spendthrift- most of what I wear was free or very cheap.

Next I'll tell you what this blog will be all about. Or, at least, what I'm planning it to be about, hehe. Sometimes I'll blog fug, sometimes hunts and freebies. Sometimes I'll write three-page rants about how much I hate crashing or etiquette that no one will want to read but me. Sometimes I'll talk about my system for inventory sorting. Sometimes I'll just post pictures of myself in my favourite outfits. Sometimes I might even talk about RL music, because the player behind me loves it so much that it bleeds right over. Every now and then I might even let her talk.

I look forward to writing it, and I hope you look forward to reading it!

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